Thursday, January 10, 2013

52 photos project 2/2013

Nature detail January 2013

The prompt from 52 Photo Projects is "Right Now", being present.

One of my goals in 2013 is to Embrace Stillness, to look for beauty in the everyday and when possible photograph it. So this prompt encouraged me to find beauty in the ordinary.

I was inspired when I took this photo to think "Everything Old is New Again". I had to look it up to reference this quote and was surprised to find it is a lyric from a Peter Allen song. I am sure it is also just an overused phrase. Still, it feels so appropriate for this prompt.

52 Photos Project


  1. You certainly found the beauty in that capture! Nice!

  2. Wow, that is really an amazing texture. It's a piece of art.

  3. Hi Jenny, nice to see you here. I like how you fit this prompt in with your "word".

  4. This photo beautifully represents stillness.
    Thank you for sharing.
