About me

My name is Jenny and welcome to my blog lilac quiver.

Why am I here?
My husband and I recently sold our business and our son who is 22 is making his own way in life very well. So for the first time in my life I can make some choices that are just for me.

I come from a serious family which values work and productivity above all. Work and what I do for a living has always defined me. So here I am now with a blank canvas and the opportunity to redefine who I am and I am shaking in my boots.
For the first time, I don't know what to write in that box on forms labelled "Occupation". I have decided for now that I am going to write "dabbler". That is what I am while in transition and its a yummy kind of description for a bit of this and bit of that, on the way to who knows what.

What do I want to do here?
Play, creativity and fun don't come easily to me. So this is my first step in a journey to unpack some old patterns around not being good enough at arty stuff and giving new things a go.
I want to use this space to step tentatively in new directions, to dive into untested waters and to slosh around in some exciting creativity.

Why write a blog?
Earlier this year, I wrote a blog while my husband and I travelled around Europe. I loved the opportunity to write and post every day. It was a great discipline. I also found this a wonderful way of sharing our journey.
This blog is a place where I want to write and post my photographs as well as share the things that inspire me, excite me and puzzle me.

What will I write about?
I started my career as a social worker and even though I have had different roles since then, I have always been fascinated to understand why we behave, think, act like we do. I want to untangle some more of my unhelpful behaviours so that I can go into the next phase of my life a little less encumbered.

I live in Australia and I love our country, I want to write about travel wherever I go and learn to take gob-smacking good photos of what I see, to share here.

I am learning to be playful and creative and I am sure that will be fun and confronting. I am thinking about creativity in the every sense; what catches my eye, tantalising tastes, irresistible textures and resonant sounds. The key will be for me to get out of my head and into the present to notice the wonders around me.

My body is challenging me with aches and hormonal changes and I promise not to go on about it but I will share what I learn (if I learn anything) about how to survive this phase..

Is this a plan?
Well no there is no plan at this stage, no structure, it will be what takes my fancy when I sit down to write. This is new for me, so I look forward to seeing where the universe points me each day.

Please join me on my journey and share your insights as I head off into relatively uncharted waters for me.

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