Sunday, March 10, 2013

52 Photo Project 45 (9/2013)

Horizon is the prompt for the 52 photo projects this week. Tonight I have returned from a night photography excursion and I am so excited to include one photo that I took tonight from Observatory Hill in Sydney.

The ones below are from previous excursions. Here is the Sydney Harbour Bridge also at night but not tonight..

and the fabulous New York skyline captured at twilight last year.

52 Photos Project


  1. Both night shots are great, but I really like the top one. The shape of that tree is wonderful, and it almost looks like it's hanging over a white fence that leads out into the world from a place of peace. NYC skyline will never look right to me without the twin towers, but that's a very nice capture, too.

  2. These are such gorgeous shots!
    Thank you for sharing.
