Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Random act of kindness = game changer

It was Sunday morning when I arrived at my local favourite coffee shop for my morning skim flat white. Our heavily pregnant owner / barista, Sam was having a quiet melt down. She rolled her eyes and said, "I thought we could manage with just the two of us today, but we have been flat out since we opened the door".

I commiserated and watched feeling helpless as they scurried to and fro; juggling orders, payments and coffee making. Looking at the line of coffee cups waiting and then the queue of new customers behind me, I said, "It's going to take a while to make my coffee so how about I take some orders and collect payments".

To the surprise of the other customers, I grabbed some takeaway cups and the texta and took down some orders. Everyone had big notes to pay and Sam's small change pot was not sufficient.

"I need to get some more change", I said.

"Go for it," she replied, "Press the red button on the till and help yourself", .

Behind the till, counting out change, I sorted notes and coins and topped up her change pot until she said, "Thanks Jen, here is your coffee."

"Sorry, I can't stay longer", I said.

"It is OK, that has been a great help", she said with a smile. "See you tomorrow."

Sam was smiling again, the customers felt seen and as a bonus I had a spring in my step.

A tiny random act of kindness turned out to be a game changer.

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