Tuesday, September 25, 2012

High Priestess of Self Protection

Dear Self-Protector

I think it is time we had a little chat.

Firstly I want to thank you because I know that you have my best interests at heart. You have played a very important role all my life, reminding me of all the things that could go wrong every time I take a step in a new direction.

You have been very effective in keeping me on the straight and narrow. I do appreciate that you are always willing to step up to protect me from getting hurt.

However, I have decided I need to try some new things. I especially want to learn to flex the muscles in my under developed and under appreciated creative side of me. This will be hard for both of us as we look in a different direction.

So for a little while we need to keep your helpfulness in check as there are times when your attitude feels like a strait jacket literally holding me back.

Also I have noticed that when you get a little overly vigilant in your role of High Priestess of Self Protection, it can back fire really badly.

Take this last week for instance, you were very concerned about my foray into blogging and you were worried that it was not a meaningful use of my time. Further, I understand that you were concerned that I had exposed myself publicly and put myself at risk of humiliation and even shame.

Sadly your harping about being careful and being wary were heard by me as criticism as if you were putting up sign saying "Stop! Warning! Failure ahead"

When you get into this space, I have noticed all my good intentions fly out the window. I rebel. I feel so bad that I choose to stop eating properly, exercising well and taking care of myself. On top of that, I start to believe that I am completely hopeless even though your intention is simply to warn me about one thing I am doing.

So let's call a truce. I welcome your feedback when you think I may get hurt. I promise to listen but if I disagree, you will slip into the background and be supportive and remind me that I am being courageous and strong instead of naughty and fearful.

Love your owner and developer

Heart shaped flowers remind me of self compassion

1 comment:

  1. LOUD APPLAUSE! I love how you crafted this as a letter to your inner critic. I know I can take several of your lines and say the same thing to mine - whom I lovingly refer to as Ol' B* Face.
