This has sent me into a confused funk, I have thrown endless dollars at alternative possibilities in the hope that my shoulder will recover and it hasn't.
I have been quite depressed about it as I contemplate surgery and then 6 months rehabilitation including 2 months where I have to keep my arm immobile while I am dressed, washed, fed and cared for by my husband and friends.
I find this so hard to contemplate. I am the uber independent woman. I like to drive my car, flit about unencumbered, set my agenda according to what I want to do and when.
As I think about next year and try to plan, all I can think is that the first four months are on hold. That is one big hole in next year.
As I sunk into a deeper pit of misery, I lost sight of the wonderful things that I have enjoyed this year. I have just started a photo book of highlights of 2013 so that I can remember the good stuff amongst the bad.
Biggest negative issue has been my weight gain as a result of my limited ability to exercise since I injured my shoulder (20 March 2013).
So let us have some fun remembering the best bits of my 2013..
I have found three themes for this year
Connection, Creativity and Cooking
1. Connection - Reconnection..I reconnected with Britta after 30 years- I met Britta while I was backpacking in Europe in 1983. We have been keeping in touch by email and met face to face this year.
I reconnected with Jenny and Karen after 15 years. We went to Uni together and lost touch due to personal stress but now we have we reconnected.
I reconnected with cousins in the UK - we keep in touch by email and it is so good to spend time together.
Photography - I did a course where I learned about night photography, bokeh, light and depth of field. One of my photos was selected from 1000 entries in the Top 30 of the class.
In addition, I learned about shibori- inspirational indigo dyeing and folding techniques..
Photography Bokeh - that exciting technique of making the background light into star burst wallpaper...
Quilting a landscape wall hanging (below) and my niece Grace's bed quilt
CookingI joined a writing class this year and found my forte in making sumptuous gluten free cakes EVERY week...
I also revelled in making other beautiful food - I did love cooking in 2013..lots of it was very healthy

As I bemoan my physical issues in 2013, this has been an uplifting exercise of acknowledging the good stuff that has happened.
Wishing you all a fun and nourishing holiday season..
My shoulder operation is on 15 January so I plan to pack lots of good times into the next three weeks
Lots of love and best wishes
Wishing you the best with your surgery. Will be keeping you in wonderment as you pack some more good times in between now and then. And will be thinking about you as you recover. Hugs, Emily