Thursday, February 7, 2013

52 Photo project (6/2013)

The prompt for this week on 52 photo project is "Hearts". Naturally, this is one of my favourite prompts. My collecting of heart shaped rocks which then led to me photographing hearts, all started  in Greece. On the island of Kythera, my dear friend Shell and I met the renowned Juliette de Bairacli Levy a herbalist / naturopath / gypsy. She told us that she lived near the beach which was the birthplace of Aphrodite and the only place in the world where you can find heart shaped rocks. We did. Ever since my eye has been drawn to hearts, heart-shaped rocks, hearts in nature and more recently urban hearts.

I often go out "heart hunting" and come home with only one shot. Then when I am walking without a camera I'll see how to choose?

My favourite nature heart is this one. I was walking in the bush and decided to photograph interesting patterns in a dried patch of mud. When I got home, looking at the picture on my computer, I was about to discard the picture as uninteresting when I spied a tiny heart in the mud pattern. This is a highly cropped shot and it is a perfect heart.

This is my second favourite nature heart. This is a natural cavity in the side of Uluru, Ayers Rock in Central Australia. Instant love.

Finally here is my favourite urban heart, found on a garage wall in Bondi.. Loved that I had my camera with me on that wander.

52 Photos Project


  1. That first one is amazing! What a beautiful find.

  2. This prompt was clearly made for you—and I love all of your choices!

  3. Those are terrific shots. I guess it always pays to be prepared, and to look closely!

  4. These are all wonderful! I think the first one is my favourite.

  5. These are all magnificent heart shots. I believe my favorite one is that first one too. Blessings!

  6. I like the variety you have collected from your heart hunting.

  7. Gorgeous! I think you & I would make great heart hunting partners, because I do the same :)
    Thank you for sharing.

  8. Thank you all for your comments. I love that you visited my place..
